Working with the development version

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VDrift's code is kept in a Subversion repository. To get the development version, you must "check out" the code from this repository.

Browsing the repositories

There is a VDrift SVN web site at Here you may browse the VDrift repositories and even download single files. This is very useful for examining changes between different revisions, in a user-friendly manner.

Checking out the code

If you want to do much work on VDrift you'll need to check out an entire copy of the development tree.


Install a svn (Subversion) client. If you are using a Linux distribution you can search for it in the package manager. When you have installed it you need to open a terminal and run the following code:

svn checkout vdrift 

It will download the current development version in the subfolder vdrift. Next, [Getting_the_development_version#Checking_out_the_data|check out the data].


The best solution for Windows is to download TortoiseSVN. After installing it, open Windows explorer and go to the directory where you want to download the VDrift development version. Right-click and click SVN checkout. In the next screen you need to fill in the URL of the repository which is Simply click OK, and the development version will be downloaded. Next, go to the section below called "Checking out the data."

Mac OS X

This is the same as working with Linux/UNIX as above however Mac OS X does not ship with a SVN client, prior to version 10.5.

If you are running 10.4 you will need to obtain an SVN client:

If you are a Fink user information about the latest Fink packages can be found here: If you want to download a binary version of the SVN client go here:

If you are running on a Macintosh with an Intel processor make sure that you download the universal binary version of the SVN client. PowerPC exclusive binaries will not execute on an Intel based Macintosh.

Once you have a working SVN client see the Linux/UNIX instructions at the top of this page.

Checking out the data

The data set is currently only available from the SourceForge SVN. Get it from and link vdrift-data to the vdrift/data from If you are using a command-line SVN client and have the VDrift repository checked out in a directory called /home/user/code, you would do this:

cd /home/user/code
svn co vdrift-data
ln -sf /home/user/code/vdrift-data /home/user/code/vdrift/data

If you are using the Tortoise SVN client, see the documentation on the Tortoise SVN website for more information on how to check out a repository.

Working with the repository


Once the reposotory has been checked out, it can be updated without downloading the entire thing again. For command line SVN, use the command

svn update

to check for updates and apply them.

Checking in changes

If you have been authorized as a VDrift developer and given a login for the repository, you may check in the changes to the repository. Subversion collects information on all the changes you make, so all you have to do is issue the command.

svn commit

Please remember to always add a commit message. This should be a summary of the changes you made. It helps let the other developers know what you've done, and also helps when writing change logs at release time.

Adding and removing files

Every file you introduce to the checkout on your computer is not automatically added to the repository. First you must add it:

svn add filename

Where filename is the file you wish to add. Similarly you may remove files that are no longer needed with svn del filename.